Your Wealthy Future Awaits
You Will be Wealthy
Many people work and save for years and never achieve a level of wealth that separates them from their friends or neighbors. They (you) wonder how the people who are wealthy got to where they are? How can one person have a million dollars, or several million, and many more never realize that level of wealth?
Can you even conceive of the joy you will feel when you have saved your first $1 million? You read every chapter and followed the advice and you made it. You are a millionaire and it may not have ever happened if you hadn’t decided to buy this book. This is just one of the accomplishments that is within your grasp when you read The Wise Guide to Wealth and put the suggestions into action.
The Wise Guide to Wealth – financial education that puts you on the road to wealth. This book doesn’t engage in promotion or unproven schemes or unfounded claims. It simply gives you all the tools to begin your journey to wealth. It provides a financial education, a roadmap for building wealth, an understanding of different savings and investment vehicles, and the confidence to take those first steps.
The book designed for Gen-Z to Millennials (and all others) that will take your wealth from what you have today in savings or investments, to your first million dollars and beyond. No “get-rich-quick” schemes here. Just all the knowledge, principles, ideas and concepts you will need to actually live independently wealthy in the future.
Written by K Richard Douglas, who has been an expert on this topic for decades.